Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Life Begins at 29

I know we all lived it up in our twenties and have countless stories to tell (or hide from) our children, but there is something about 29 that forces you to begin to really live. Or, at least that's what I have found over the past 8 months.

The Day of my 29th Birthday

Our generation is getting married later, and that's a good thing. We have time to develop, learn, make mistakes and grow into ourselves. We have more freedom, resources and things to do than previous generations. I think it's important to realize this and take serious advantage of it. The baseline -- we can do more living.

I've always tried to make life exciting, and I thought, up until I turned 29, that I was doing everything I could to live a fulfilling and adventurous life... but, that minute I turned 29 -- that realization that my twenties were nearly over -- was the minute everything clicked. It's time to take advantage of my freedom and my youth... two things you can't get back.

Life begins at 29 because you truly get to know yourself. You become comfortable in your own skin, you begin to accept yourself as is and learn to love both your faults and your strengths.

Life begins at 29 because you know what you want and you're not afraid to voice your own opinion. You're no longer thought of as naive. And trust me, wisdom is power.

Life begins at 29 because you find yourself interested in unique and different things. From books to more adventurous cuisine... from off the beaten path destinations to off-beat themed dinner parties... and from your spiritual side to why an espresso made the right way (usually in Europe) really does taste better.

Life begins at 29 because you can let go of your insecurities. So, let's say you have a wedgie at the beach and there's a group of 25 year old attractive guys and girls behind you with oiled abs you could have a slip and slide party on, who cares? Pick it... and pick your nose at the same time. I really don't care... in fact, I think more 25 year old guys have been attracted to me and asked me out since I've turned 29 and acted this way. I'm not saying I'm actually that disgusting, but I just act completely comfortable.

Life begins at 29 because you have more compassion for people. For those younger and those older. You see their struggles and you understand. You may not have been through the same thing, but you've been given the ability to empathize.

Oh and one more thing... when you're 21, you think you know everything... when you're 29, you actually do know SOME things. And that's nice.

I could go on and on... and at some point I will... I hope to someday get my shit together enough to write a book, or a short story about all the ways I think life begins to really start as we get older.

Monday, August 25, 2014

It's True, I HAVE Been Missing in Action

A blog here, a blog there, I always set out on a journey to commence a blog with high hopes of writing something everyday... then maybe something at least twice a week, then every week, then every month, and before you know it, a whole season has passed. Gah, here I am almost back to the day I started the blog last year. It's foggy and cold outside again and summer seems to have slipped away without warning. Dare I say the four letter F word.... F-A-L-L.

For me, Fall inspires creativity -- writing, painting, baking and reflection. It was this time last year I began to come up with the "30 Before 30 List." And unlike my waning valor when it comes to blogging, I have only positive news to report -- I've checked off A LOT of things on that list. And, I have some really important ones to add. I don't just write these out for self fulfillment, but in hopes of inspiring others.

1. Learn Italian - I didn't become fluent, but I did take a class -- on a boat -- on the Tyrrhenian Sea.

2. Finish Learning French... just learn a new language, even if you suck at it... yeah, I still suck, and that's OK.

3. Travel to Italy - DONE

4. Travel to France (I figure if I'm in Italy, I can kill a few birds with one stone and step over the border into Italy)... travel wherever YOU want to go. DONE. I took myself to Chamonix, not quite the spot I imagined my first French adventure, but it was both scary, exhilarating and completely out of my character. Then I went to Cannes... and fell completely in love.

5. Play at least one instrument at least once this year... the one you have hidden away in your closet (I know I have a few) I heard a show on NPR this morning about a girl who picked up the Uke on her trip to Nicaragua during the off-season, maybe that'll be my goal during October and November this year.

6. Get a Mountain Bike. Get a road bike. Buy some skate skis. Buy a parachute... Buy something that you can do all by yourself... whenever you want. Read the book: What Color is Your Parachute? I can't even tell you how many new things I tried this year.... it was definitely a year of DOING. I put on an alpine harness for the first time and skied a glacier... and got in a helicopter... and tried to say YES to whatever I could. I'm sure I peed my pants a few times, but why not?

7. Run a marathon. This. Did. Not. Happen. But I have 4 Months. And I'm not ashamed if it doesn't happen. I'm sad to report that in the war between my aging body and running, my aches and pains keep me from pushing too hard.

8. Run a couple (maybe). Run some half marathons, 5Ks and 10Ks. I ran plenty in the beginning of the year and learned that running is not my body's thing anymore. But I think I tracked about 5-10 miles every five days for a solid 3 months. That's enough.

9. Drive across the US. 

10. Start swimming.

11. Embrace the artist that you are. This has been an incredible year for my art, I am so grateful.

12. Read a book. Read 10. Done. 

13. See important people speak, like Ira Glass (checking that off my list tomorrow night). See your favorite band play. Dance. Go to a TEDx event. Visit the website TED.com more often. DONE.

14. Swim in the ocean. Done.

15. Swim in a river. In a lake. In a gulf. Surf. Done. Naked and Free. 

16. Visit your grandparents. Ask them questions - questions about how the world has changed... how their perspective has changed... what they learned in their 80-90 years on this earth... ask them about their regrets and make sure not to make the same mistakes. DONE... and I've learned so much. I highly recommend this.

17. Send out birthday cards to all of your relatives... send out Christmas cards (I have yet to establish this habit). Looking forward to the holidays.

18. Do yoga more. Meditate more. Be flexible... in mind and body.

19. Worry less. AND remove all negative people from your life. Forget those who have hurt you and never let another's actions let you doubt yourself.

20. Eat more ice cream. Maybe too much. Oops.

21. Wear sandals later into the Fall and Spring colors during the Winter.

22. Kill people with kindness... and find that even the nastiest people turn around.

23. Don't worry so much about money, about where you thought you'd be in life, about finding someone else to make you happy... make yourself happy first. And find that money comes to you when you do this.

24. Always work harder on being a better person... develop a healthy addiction... a passion.

25. Volunteer. And be consistent. Check.

26. Even if you're broke, donate money to a worthy cause. Support a friend's Kickstarter campaign. Check.

27. Accept your beauty now, because beauty fades... and when it does, make sure you worked hard on being beautiful on the inside. Learning to.

28. Random Acts of Kindness -- do them all the time. SMILE.

29. Leave your phone at home for a whole day. For a week. Turn it off. Traveling abroad will help you with this.

30. Be comfortable in your skin. Love yourself. Accept yourself.  A work in progress.

So, if there's a message from this "comeback" post today, set your intentions, write them down, and get shit done.